This Woman's Thoughts

Real Expression

Monday, August 07, 2006


Senseless fine-as-ness.
The kind of skin tone that would make you think of a dark chocolate Hershey bar.
But can I get it on a hot day?
Let chocolate melt in my mouth and in my hands;
Coat the walls so I can taste the sweetness with my tongue and make it last.
That smile ignites a light in my personal body-melt abyss as I get lost in those eyes.
They are deep, dark brown; That black brown.
Brown surrounded by ivory, and the long lashes of a crybaby.
But he is strong.
I can see the battle scars.
Long healed, but obvious and permanent.
Just like the small chip on his shoulder.
He is strong.
Rock hard body seen through loose clothing.
I want to be his world.
It’s worth this temporary insanity, as I loose all focus.
I am under his spell, buried under my expectations, filled with exaggerations.
Eyes open, mind trapped.
My Dream.


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